Blog Post 3#: My First Solve

 Hi Everyone :)

    Welcome back, everybody, to my blog; I hope those January blues have finally gone away and that everyone is staying safe and is excited to return back to in-person class next week! This week marks a significant milestone for me in my quest to solve the Rubix cube in under a minute. This week was the first time I solved the Rubix Cube from start to finish. Now don't get it twisted. This was not a pretty solve by any means. I was incredibly slow and sloppy, but many mistakes were made in this run. With all that in mind, though, I did it, and the JOY ON MY FACE WHEN I FINALLY SOLVED THIS THING... priceless. It was like a rush I had never experienced before. Going from having all of the colours in all of the wrong places to seeing the final piece fall into place was a high that I will be chasing for these next 2 months. This first solve felt amazing and has inspired me to keep on pushing towards my goal, and hopefully, this feeling of accomplishment will carry over to next week. 

    Now for the specifics of how I spent my genius hour this week. For the first 24 minutes, I again watched Wired's video on how to solve the cube (refer back to my last post to find the video) and made an executive decision that this will be the first solving method I will learn during my journey. I also gave myself a three-week window to learn this method as best as possible before re-evaluating my solving strategy. In addition to watching this video, I also wrote down all of the critical steps and algorithms that I would need to solve the cube for the first time. In the second half of my genius hour, I experimented with different camera angles to find the best way to digitally document my progress. While I found one camera angle that works for now, it isn't my favourite, and I hope to improve on this aspect later in my process. In the second half of my genius hour, I solved the cube for the first time with video proof. I've embedded the video in this post for you all to enjoy! It isn't the most flashy or clean video in the world, but I hope this will be something that improves over time the more I practice it. 

Well, that's all from me this week! Thank you so much for reading my blog and following along as I learn to solve this cube faster and faster every week. I wish all of you a restful and joy-filled weekend, and I will see all of you again next week for another blog post! Bye for now 

Luca D'Amico
