Blog Post 6: Breaking the 5 Minute Barrier

 Hello Everyone

    Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog this week. I am so sorry that I missed you last week but when you are offered a break sometimes you just have to take it. However just because you all didn't hear from me doesn't mean that I have not been practicing. I can assure you all that each and everyday I am fiddling around with the cube trying my best to learn new algorithms to help lower my time even more. With all of that in mind I have some very excited news for all of you. I HAVE OFFICIALLY BROKEN THE 5 MINUTE BARRIER WITH A TIME OF 4:29. The progress that I've made astounds me each and every week and with each solve I feel myself getting faster and faster. I've noticed that I am making far fewer mistakes in my solves and that the algorithms are starting to become muscle memory. I'm thrilled to see this progress and it motivates me to power through and push hard towards the end of the semester. 

    As per usual I'm now going to break down how I spent my genius hour this week. For the first 15 minutes I did my usual Rubix Cube warmup making sure my hands and mind were ready to go. The next 15 minutes I spent setting up all of the filming equipment I would need to document the solve. (Little update on that, I  still haven't found a nice angle or a way to showing my time on the screen, I'm thinking of investing in a little timer to show my time in the shot. More on this dilemma coming in my next post). Then the last half an hour I spent filming and trying multiple attempts at solving the cube. 

    Overall I am very excited about this news and my ongoing progress. Thank you so much for reading and watching my blog this week and I hope that you enjoy watching the famous sub 5 minute solve. Take care everyone and I'll see you next week! Happy Solving :) 

Luca D'Amico 
